What to do: Before & After



Immediately preceding your appointment —

We recommend you don’t eat anything solid for at least three hours before your appointment.

Liquids such as fresh vegetable juice, herbal tea or water are encouraged to consume any time, at least an hour before your treatment.

If you're hypoglycemic and can't abstain from eating for that long due to blood sugar imbalance, contact us for more information. If you're prone to chronic bloating, digestive upset, and or constipation, preparing will make your colonic more comfortable.

1 week to 48 hours prior to you appointment —

• DRINK: 16-32 oz of unpasteurized green juice, peppermint or ginger tea and 10-12 glasses of water daily.

• SAY NO TO: red meat, dairy products (except grass-fed butter), breads, baked goods, pastries, pasta and ALL processed foods from your diet. It is also recommended that beans, including peanut / peanut butter, are removed.

• EAT: lots of raw vegetables! If raw veggies tend to cause bloating in your body, consume them lightly steamed.

• OK IN SMALL AMOUNTS: whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, or millet) or protein (wild-caught salmon) to supplement your mostly plant-based diet.

• DON'T: overeat or drink alcohol (yes, wine is alcohol!). Drinking alcohol will sometimes ruin your session. This is a HUGE NO.

• FASTING allows the body's digestive tract to rest, which means greater release and ease during your session. If fasting, you can drink liquid nutrition (i.e., green juice, water and lemon, or green powders with water)

The more you put into the process of preparing for your colonic, the more you'll get out of it - literally!

See you on the table!

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Immediately following your appointment —

You should be feeling light, floaty and even glowing! If this is you, feel free to do as you please. Work, exercise, go on with your day as normal.

Sometimes, when our diet is less than ideal, we feel a little lethargic after a session. This sensation is nothing to worry too much about. After your appointment, we recommend giving your body the rest it is craving.

In either scenario, try not to suppress symptoms.

In general, we recommend these protocols to follow:

• DRINK: plenty of water with electrolytes or unpasteurized green juice after your session

• REST: give your body a breather and relax!

• EAT: keep your food in the green vegetable, high fiber, avoid dairy, grains and meats for the next 24 hours.

Lastly, you may go a few days without pooping as the colonic has removed so much toxic waste from your body. Don’t freak out! Be patient.

If there is anything we could have done to make your experience better please reach out and let us know; your feedback is appreciated more than anything.

If something feels off or you are unsure, email me. If we need to have a chat on the phone I'll schedule a time with you.